On a recent trip to Philadelphia with my mother, we were reminded that an artful life is lived not just in the studio, but in the garden, the kitchen, the workplace…you get the picture. And one creative pursuit tends to fuel another. After visiting the Flower Show and Longwood Gardens, any artist would be hard pressed not to delve into a gorgeous landscape or still life painting….Or maybe a dark, angry expressionist rant- if this is all just too much prettiness for you!

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Longwood Gardens spectacular interior landscapes!

Words can not describe the conservatories at Longwood Gardens when thousands of additional plants are added to the already mind boggling diversity for their annual Orchid Extravaganza. Plants are coerced to grow from hanging orbs, wrapped around columns and in endless drifts of color on the gnd.

Orchids and blooming succulents with a forsythia hedge in the background!

Orchids and blooming succulents with a forsythia hedge in the background!

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Philadelphia Flower Show Favorites

The Philadelphia Flower Show highlights the work of floral designers and plant enthusiasts who transform blooms into spectacular compositions of their own. From over-the-top luscious to restrained ikebana, the arrangements and installations were inspired!

A pergola dripping in citrus garland with a raised herb garden below.

A pergola dripping in citrus garland with a raised herb garden below.


Of course it’s always nice to come home to our own abundance of local Louisiana flora…..

Even when faced with the reminder that great achievements often involve a LOT of weeding!